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Mid-Season Parity Tournament in one Week!

SCDA Admin

Mid-Season Parity Tournament and previous seasons Awards Ceremony on Monday, October 23rd at MacLeod Ale at 7:30 PM.


If you have not participated in this event before, it is a free to play NO ENTREY FEE doubles tournament where we match players to attempt to make even skill level teams. We also have an awards ceremony for the previous seasons. There are $200 in cash prizes and anyone that has played in the SCDA League in the current season or any of the past three seasons is welcome. Pre-registration is required (no walk-ins), and details will be forth-coming to sign up. AWARD INFORMATION THAT WAS ENTERED BY THE 10/2 DEADLINE WILL BE HANDED OUT AT THE MID-SEASON TOURNAMENT ON 10/23. If you would like to get awards plaques for your team, Captains must fill out the form with your team's player information HERE. If you didn't make this cutoff, no problem, you just will not get awards at this mid-season event, you can still complete the form to get them at our next event.

Tonight (10/16/2023) is week 5 of regular Fall Season league play.


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