The SCDA plays league steel-tip darts at bars, pubs, restaurants and breweries in the San Fernando Valley.
Matches are played on Monday nights with a 7:30 start time.
To play, you can either form your own team (at least 2 total players, but we recommend 3 to 4) or join an existing team. We recommend new teams have a captain that has played in the league previously.
To find other players or captains that are recruiting, check out one of our home venues for other regular players, or one of the weekly dart tournaments (see below.)
We play 3, 10-week seasons per year with 2 weeks of playoff. You can see the season dates on the league calendar. For the full rules and details you can check out the season info page.
The current cost per team is $50 per season.
To form a team you must contact the venue where you want to play to get the OK to use them as your home venue. Venues have full control as to which teams, team size, and how many teams they will allow to claim as their home venue.
Home venues must have a playing area, dart board, lighting, etc. that confirm to our standards. It is up to the team captain to ensure this.
We do not place players on a team, it is entirely up to the team captain to choose players and to decide how much playing time they will get from match-to-match.
You can see the format of games we play each week by checking out the scoresheets.